Shoppable Videoconferencing
You’re seeing livestream shopping everywhere - from its meteoric rise in China to Amazon and Walmart-TikTok. Now it's here for your business in new and exciting ways! bkMEETS brings livestream shopping to life on your ecommerce platform and enables you to run your own shoppable videoconference - it's like Zoom on your own website!
Directly from your own eCommerce Platform
Create a seamless livestream shopping and Concierge Commerce experience for your customers with our ecommerce videoconferencing solution.
bkMEETS is easy to implement, easy to use
Livestream shopping is the future of ecommerce. It provides a shopping experience that bridges the gap between digital and physical commerce.
- Decrease product returns from online purchases.
- Increase new sales and average order values (AOV).
- Engage brand ambassadors, influencers, and affiliates.
It’s all possible with our shoppable videoconferencing ecommerce solution, bkMEETS.

bkMEETS closes the gap between online and offline selling for any ecommerce solution.