Affiliate Resource Center

Welcome to the affiliate resource center. We have created a number of resources to get you started right away in promoting Bloo Kanoo. If you have any feedback or questions on the content, please reach out to The content found here is intended exclusively for Affiliate use. Feel free to use and make changes at your discretion, within the guidelines found in the terms and conditions. Click here to review the terms and conditions.  

Customer Use Cases and Examples

Bloo Kanoo is the cutting edge livestream video shopping tool that is the next big change in e-commerce and online shopping. Livestream shopping is expected to account for $70 Billion of revenue in the US alone by 2026. Our customers implement Bloo Kanoo in their existing online stores for:

  • Live chat support for real-time customer requests
  • Scheduled customer calls
  • Post-sale upsell conversations and support
  • Customer service channels
  • Abandoned cart integration to resolve customer concerns
  • Company and influencer livestreams with direct shoppability

Social Media Ad Copy

Headline: Transform Your E-Commerce with Livestream Shopping 🛍️✨

Body: Step into the future of online selling! Livestream Shopping is here to skyrocket your conversions. Connect live, boost sales, and slash returns. Don’t just sell, create an experience! Try it now. 🚀 #LivestreamRevolution #EcommerceSuccess

Body: 🚀 Make your e-commerce store stand out with the power of LIVE shopping! 🛍️ Engage directly with your audience, boost your sales, and watch those average order values skyrocket. Say goodbye to high return rates! 💸 Ready to revolutionize your online selling experience? Let’s get streaming! #LiveShoppingRevolution #BoostSales #EcommerceSuccess

Headline: Revolutionize Your Sales with Livestream Shopping!


Don’t just sell—engage! 🚀✨ Livestream shopping is transforming ecommerce. Connect with your customers one-on-one, skyrocket average order values, and minimize returns. Isn’t it time your store went live? #GoLive #BoostSales #LivestreamRevolution

Call To Action: Learn More

Tweet: 🔴 LIVE now: The future of e-commerce! Join the #LivestreamShopping movement. 📈 Increase sales & reduce returns with real-time customer interaction. Elevate your online store today! #EcommerceInnovation #BoostYourStore


Tweet: 🎥💡 Livestream shopping is changing the game for e-commerce! Dive in and connect with your customers like never before. Higher sales and fewer returns guaranteed. #EcommerceEvolution #LivestreamShopping #DigitalMarketingSuccess


Tweet: Take your store to the frontline of digital marketing with Livestream Shopping! Higher engagement, increased sales, fewer returns. Be part of the livestream legacy. Dive in now! 🌟📈 #EcommerceEvolution #LivestreamSales #FutureOfShopping

Headline:“Redefine Your E-Commerce Strategy with Livestream Shopping”

Body:“Connect with your customers like never before. Livestream Shopping offers a unique opportunity for personalized engagement, increased sales, and lower return rates. Discover how this tool can transform your online business today. #EcommerceGrowth #DigitalMarketingEvolution”

⭐ Reinvent the way your e-commerce connects with your audience! Introducing Livestream Shopping: the ultimate tool to engage, sell, and grow. Witness an increase in order value and a decrease in returns. 🚀

Join the journey to e-commerce excellence. #InnovationInSales #Livestream #EcommerceTrends

Headline: Lead the Livestream Shopping Revolution in E-commerce

Body: Unlock the future of digital engagement. Join the ranks of marketing innovators who are leveraging livestream shopping to boost customer interaction, increase sales, and reduce return rates. Ready to lead the change? #LivestreamInnovation #EcommerceGrowth #MarketingLeadership

Call To Action: Contact Us

Social Media Post/Ad Images

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Drip Emails: Series Example 1

Ever wondered what the secret sauce is to skyrocketing e-commerce sales? Meet Bloo Kanoo, the game-changing tool successful online stores are using to boost customer engagement through livestream and recorded video shopping.

Imagine enabling your customers to shop live with an expert, receive personalized advice, cut down on those frustrating abandoned carts, and foster loyalty – all leading to a striking increase in your store’s profitability.

Welcome to the future of e-commerce – where technology meets convenience. With Bloo Kanoo, integrating the power of human connection into your online store has never been easier. Say hello to seamless shopping experiences.

Ready to elevate your store’s experience?

Add Livestream Shopping to your Store Now!

Livestream shopping is not just a trend; it’s the vibrant future of retail. Bigwigs like Walmart and Amazon are already on it. Why not your brand?

With Bloo Kanoo, you’re not just jumping on the bandwagon – you’re becoming a leader in e-commerce innovation. Our platform bridges the gap between your passion and your customers’ needs, enabling instant human connection right there on your site.

Setting up is a breeze – with no coding skills required.

Tap into the Power of Livestreaming


Streaming to socials? It’s a start, but imagine if you could take full control of your customer relationships directly on your own turf – your website.

Bloo Kanoo places you at the helm of customer engagement. Direct human interaction on your site means no intermediaries, no distractions, and all the power to create unforgettable shopping experiences.

Ready to take charge?

Connect Directly with Your Customers

Are abandoned carts plaguing your e-commerce metrics? Tackle it head-on with Bloo Kanoo. Customers often need just a nudge – perhaps an answer or a demonstration – to convert from uncertain browsers to happy buyers.

Integrate our tool into your cart recovery strategy and watch those hesitation sales turn into confirmed checkouts.

Capture More Sales Now!

The golden rule in sales: create personal connections, sell more. Bloo Kanoo revolutionizes the way you interact with your customers. They can reach out via live video, ask questions, and hit ‘buy’ all in one seamless action.

Don’t miss out on the chance to turn every support query into a purchasing decision.

Create Real Connections

Ready to generate sales 24/7? With Bloo Kanoo, make your pre-recorded videos tirelessly work for you. Transform any video content into an immersive, shoppable experience that keeps your cash registers ringing even when you snooze.

Join the shoppable video revolution.

Unleash Your Videos’ Sales Potential

Drip Emails: Series Example 2

Discover the future of e-commerce with Bloo Kanoo, your ultimate livestream and recorded video shopping solution. Say hello to higher average order values, enhanced customer satisfaction, and an upswing in overall profitability.

Join brands who have transcended traditional online shopping, bringing a personal touch directly to their customers’ screens. No coding needed – integrate Bloo Kanoo effortlessly with your existing platform.

Ready to revolutionize your e-commerce experience?

Add Livestream Shopping to your Store Now!

The trend is clear: Livestream shopping is reshaping the retail landscape. Major players like Amazon and Walmart are in, shouldn’t you be?

Bloo Kanoo bridges the gap — delivering real human interactions which customers crave, directly on your website. It’s time-efficient, hassle-free, and integrated within minutes.

Take a leap into the future of shopping.

Give your customers what they want — a real human touch.

Why share the spotlight with social networks when you can shine on your own stage? Bloo Kanoo puts you in the driver’s seat, right on your own website.

Control the narrative, own every customer interaction, and build lasting relationships with fully integrated livestream shopping.

Interested in full customer engagement?

Schedule a demo or get started today.

We understand the frustration of abandoned carts. Often, all a customer needs is a bit of reassurance or information — Bloo Kanoo is the bridge to conversion.

Turn hesitations into confirmations with direct, live communication. Because every query is an opportunity for a sale.

Don’t watch potential profits walk away.

Don’t miss out on sales, sign up now.

Transformational customer support isn’t just about solving problems—it’s about fostering connections and seizing opportunities to sell anytime.

With Bloo Kanoo, every customer service interaction is streamlined to not just assist, but also to succinctly lead to a purchase.

Aim higher than mere customer satisfaction.

Make real connections and sell.

Videos sell, but interactive shoppable videos sell better — even while you’re tucking in! With Bloo Kanoo, wake up to a boost in sales and customer engagement.

Leap beyond static content and make your videos work harder for you. It’s not just about views; it’s about conversions and revenue.

Join the new age of e-commerce.

Sell while you sleep with Bloo Kanoo.


Sample SMS Messages

Hey there! Did you know that adding livestream shopping to your website can reduce product returns by engaging customers in real-time? Increase your store’s profitability with our SaaS solution! Find out more today.

Ready to boost your online store’s revenue? Livestream shopping not only increases average order values but also gives customers a personalized shopping experience, reducing returns and driving profits. Learn how our SaaS product can make it happen for you.

Say goodbye to high return rates and hello to increased sales! Our livestream shopping SaaS product empowers your website with interactive shopping experiences, leading to higher average order values and a more profitable online store. Explore the possibilities now.

Ready to revolutionize your sales strategy?  Livestream shopping combines instant purchasing power with the thrill of live interaction! Boost your sales and connect directly with your customers in real time.

Get ready to turbocharge your sales! Livestream shopping blends entertainment with instant purchasing power. Have you tapped into this goldmine yet?


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